Yom Kippur

Today Yom Kippur is celebrated by Torah observant believers all around the world.

This year I did not do a special teaching on Yom Kiopur, but last year at this time I did a teaching in our Kingdom Ambassadors Felllowship online called:


I thought you might enjoy hearing this teaching again, or if you are new to our ministry perhaps to hear this teaching for the first time.

It is a shock to many people to learn that the blood of Messiah did not atone for sin. The Blood of Messiah did something far greater than “atone” for sin.

So, what exactly did the blood of Messiah do?

That’s what I explain in this recorded teaching. I also included in this teaching an explanation abut the second “Shema” of Deuteronomy, something that most believers have never seen or heard of.


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